Indiana State Parks tour 09-10

Indiana State Parks tour 09-10
Stopping for a drink at Cataract General Store, Cataract, IN

Monday, January 18, 2010

McCormick's Creek State Park 1.2.2010

This trip occured during the coldest start to a new year in Indiana since sometime in the 1970s. We had many days in a row of single-digit highs. This day the high was around 15 or so, but we braved the cold and headed to McCormick's Creek anyway. Our first stop, prior to the park, was at nearby Cataract State Rec Area. The falls were mostly frozen and we were able to climb in behind them on the ice floor. We also hiked up to the top of the falls but didn't get on them because it seemed quite precarious due to its frozen state. Cooper braved the cold with us and she easily tolerated being handed up small cliffs as we climbed. We drove by Camp Otto on the way in, so we came in the back way and just saw the upper falls. We left there and stopped in at the always-awesome Cataract General Store for a bottled Coke and a giant pickle from the oak barrel. We didn't pick up any fake teeth, but they were there. The General Store still offers all the same supplies of food, beer, drinks, camping gear, and antiques that is has for decades. You can also pick up some cool T shirts as souveniers. Abby won one in the Linville family gift exchange of '08 and wears it proudly. (Thanks Shari!) We just had the pickle and Coke so we could eat at the inn later.

A short drive away was McCormick's Creek. It was the first Indiana state park created. We entered with a flash of our annual pass card and found the park to be nearly empty. We counted 12 cars in the entire park. Few people seemed interested in freezing their tails off on this day. We bundled up again and hit Trail 3. It loops through the falls and along the creek, both of which were partially frozen. Some parts of the creek remain unfrozen all year because they are fed by underground caves and springs. We hiked along 3 and into 10, which also closely followed the creek, but also snaked back and forth across. We successfully crossed the creek once by walking across a narrow fallen tree. Jesse had to carry Cooper. But, as we progressed toward the abandoned quarry, we found the creek impassable due to the weather. The water was high and there was ice on all the rocks. If you got wet, you would immediately freeze. Jesse's efforts to build a quick bridge ended up getting him a frozen pant leg. Sadly, we had to turn around, cross the fallen tree, and head back to warmer quarters. It was also nearly dark by this time, at 4:30. Darn you daylight saving time! We did hike for a solid two hours, but we just didn't get very far.

We also wanted to visit Wolf Cave, which we have done before, but it was closed, like the caves at Spring Mill, due to the fear of White Nose Syndrome. We have heard that the ban may be lifted in February. Cold and frozen-legged, we went to the inn for dinner. Cooper ate dinner and rested in the car with some blankets. We were a few minutes early, so we sat by the fire and read the paper for a few minutes. We also were let into the closed gift shop by the friendly desk lady and bought some patches. At five, when grandma dinner time starts, we hit the buffet. There were only two other tables occupied on this Saturday evening and we were put in a corner, next to windows, so we had a quiet, relaxing meal. The other people left quickly and we ended up being the only diners there for the rest of the time. It would have been perfect and very nearly romantic had it not been for the terrible, Kenny-G-like muzak they played at an annoying level. The buffet was good and they did have some delicious sweet tea. We ate for a long time and it was nice. Dessert and coffee prepared us for the dark ride home up SR 67.

On the way out, we checked out the family cabins, none of which were occupied. They looked great, and we may stay sometime in warmer weather.

Cataract Falls
Lieber State Rec Area
1317 W. Lieber Rd. Suite A
Cloverdale, IN 46120

Cataract General Store
2799 S. Cataract Rd.
Spencer, IN 47460

McCormick's Creek State Park
250 McCormick's Creek Park Road
Spencer, IN 47460

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